You Better Hold Fast (Part 2)

Okay, so where did I leave off? Last post, I told you about some communities I have been or am a part of and why those communities were so great. More than once, I’ve been part of some fantastic, supportive, friendly communities that formed by choice and by chance. People were thrown together as strangers and became friends who were committed to doing the right thing by each other.

Some parts of those communities still exist, some do not. Some of those people I haven’t talked to in years- but when I run into them, we’re always incredibly happy to see each other. The community feeling is still there, I think, and I believe they do too. The communities weren’t made to last forever, because that’s the nature of jobs, but the love and the lessons I learned absolutely have, especially in the sense that it was these early community experiences that helped prepare me for Religious Life.

Continue reading “You Better Hold Fast (Part 2)”

You Better Hold Fast (Part 1)

Major, major points for anyone who doesn’t know me in real life but can guess where the title of this post came from. Answers at the end of the second post, possibly behind spoiler tags if I can figure out how to do them. I only did like three activities on CodeAcademy.

Anyway, this is a post about the fantastic communities I’ve been a part of over the years and how they were formed and what they were like. If it helps, the title of this post has to do with one of these communities, in a bit of a tangential way. Part two will talk about how these communities helped prepare me for Religious Life.

Continue reading “You Better Hold Fast (Part 1)”